Motion(less) This project has started with the phenomenon of portion distortion. The modern society we live in has changed our diet habit as mass manufactures beat the economy competition. As ...
‘Going for a walk’ means totally different between Finland and South Korea where I grew up. I have a vivid memory of the first attempt to walk in the forest ...
Blue Bird teapot Hand building, mixed clay (porcelain, stoneware, pigment, grain of colored bisque-fired clay) 16x13cm This teapot has an organic shape depicting a blue bird sitting on a branch. ...
Street scenes are recorded like a diary, with the date and location inscribed on the bottom. Images are etched with a pointed awl and fired using a dark glaze. 2-dimensional ...
‘The Girl’ series is about the lives we endure and unexpected emotions that arise such as anxiety, fantasy, and excitement. These emotions become our memories, which will be changed into ...
Observations of daily life Daily objects with daily imagery. I was a long-period traveller in London 2007. I often sat on a bench in the parks or bus stops to ...
Based on observations of beauty within everyday life that can be easily overlooked, I made short stories or images to express precious moments of life through craft, design and formative ...